
4 step formula empowering B2B Tech companies to rapidly grow their customer base.
  • 4Ā Modules
  • Online & live
  • Small group

The only online programme that will empower you to turn volumes of strangers to potential customers, build brand awareness and drive sales traction through supercharged lead generation.

Join our waiting list today

NextĀ Programme: Autumn 2024

Join our proven programme

Kickstart is a live online programme that teaches you our tried and tested approach to generating a sustainable pipeline of hot leads that will quickly deliver the sales traction that your business needs.

Under the guidance of two highly experienced, successful and respected growth marketers, Roisin Garland and Leanne Jennings, you’ll learn the systematic way to reach volumes of prospects around the world and convert them to hot leads to rapidly grow your customer base.

Leave behind the frustration of trying to achieve sales traction through organic growth and embrace the immense power of a laser-focused, action-based strategy combined with marketing automation. With Kickstart, you’ll discover the proven strategy and practical tools that will empower you to confidently run successful lead generation campaigns that deliver rapid and repeatable results.

This programme is specifically for you if…

  • ļ˜You are a business leader, sales manager or company director with limited marketing experience but a pressing need to grow your business.
  • ļ˜You are a marketer who wants to update your skillset with a knowledge of leading growth marketing strategies.
  • ļ˜You are launching new products or targeting new markets (verticals/
  • ļ˜You have an innovative and viable product with international appeal and need to grow your sales fast.
  • ļ˜You need to build brand awareness to get your product to a global market but your marketing and sales team is small (maybe just you) and doesn’t know where to start.
  • ļ˜You’re hungry for success but worried that you’re wasting time and money on taking the wrong marketing approach.
  • ļ˜You’re tired of high-sounding marketing theory and just want to do something that works.

This programme will empower you to supercharge your lead generation and drive sales traction. You’ll:

Discover a laser-focused, proven strategy on how to grow your customer base
Master a tried and tested
approach to finding and
securing volumes of prospects
Acquire know-how to create
tailored content that helps
generate sales-ready leads

Understand how to use the power of marketing automation for lead generation

Develop the skills to deliver successful ongoing lead generation campaigns

Realise a way to achieve big
company marketing impact on a
small business budget

By the end of this programme you’ll have replaced the feeling of being powerless with feeling:

  • ļ‚©In control, no more scattergun marketing
  • ļ‚©Secure in the knowledge that you have an action plan that really works
  • ļ‚©Confident that you can meet the demands of your board and investors
  • ļ‚©Optimistic about the future of your business
  • ļ‚©Relieved that you’ve finally found a strategy that delivers

By the end of this programme you’ll have replaced the feeling of being powerless with feeling:

  • ļ‚©In control, no more scattergun marketing
  • ļ‚©Secure in the knowledge that you have an action plan that really works
  • ļ‚©Confident that you can meet the demands of your board and investors
  • ļ‚©Optimistic about the future of your business
  • ļ‚©Relieved that you’ve finally found a strategy that delivers

Ro and Leanne are a marketing leadership powerhouse! From startup beginnings, they cemented Wombat’s reputation as a market leader within financial technology, from launch, scaling and growth right through to acquisition by NYSE ($200m).

Danny Moore, CEO at Options IT
(previously Wombat CEO)

We’ve worked internationally across financial markets, healthcare, software, automotive and recruitment in both the public and private sectors, in highly competitive product and services markets.

From company start-ups to international product launches, serious brand building, acquisitions, multi-million pound exits and high profile stock market flotations, we’ve a record that speaks for itself.

You’ll get the benefit of our 40 years’ combined experience of working in international companies. You can trust us to make it happen for your business. We know this stuff.

Join our waiting list today

Our customers tell us that our insights have given them a renewed focus and the ability to rapidly grow their customer base without growing their team.

“Having worked with Grand Scale we now have a repeatable and predictable process to scale our lead generation to reach our global customer base without having to invest huge amounts in a scaling team. I couldn’t recommend the program enough to any company that wants to scale.”

Daniel Crawford, Founder at Axial3D

“The Kickstart programme from Grand Scale is something else. Prepare to have your senses rocked - the cobwebs in your head blown away, and your imagination unleashed. Ro and Leanne bring a dynamic combination of knowledge and passion all stirred up with a dash of enthusiasm to fully grasp your business, and help guide it into new and even untested paths.”

Les Hume, TapSOS

"Ro and Leanne challenged our preconceptions and understanding of our buyer persona and encouraged us to consider and improve our messaging. They also upskilled the team and we now feel empowered to deliver a series of campaigns that will help the company meet our goals."

Kieran Seaward, Head of Sales at Datactics

“As a small tech start-up our focus had been on the product and its end users - we had two products both requiring a marketing strategy, but we didn’t know where to start. The Kickstart programme enabled us to map out who, how and when to engage with our customers. We identified prospecting tools that would best suit our business and were able to learn how to embed more automation in the process. We’ve completed the programme with a confidence and understanding that was nurtured and supported over the kickstart modules. Ro and Leanne were fantastic; their wealth of experience and industry insight was most valuable!”

Becca Hume, TapSOS

“The Kickstart programme greatly improved my knowledge in the sales and marketing space, and give me the tools to develop a laser focused sales and marketing strategy for our new product launch.”

Charlene Armour, Armour

"We chose the kickstart programme as we were 2 technical co-founders who had no clue where to start with marketing. The Kickstart programme has been a great crash course in marketing and the best part is that we came out of programme with a realistic and actionable marketing strategy that we can implement ourselves.”

Matthew Magill, Antennaware

“Having seen Ro and Leanne at other events, it became apparent that they were not just another "Sales and Marketing" company. They practice their teachings, and having previously worked with other successful tech startups, they knew the world in which we are trying to operate. We chose to work with them to improve our knowledge of Sales and Marketing and have people who understand what we do in our team as we expand our business throughout Ireland and the UK.”

George Armstrong, Scanmatrix

Every pound invested in marketing has a triple return for a young company. Marketing is your most potent tool and will deliver the highest return on investment.

Here’s what the Kickstart programme covers:

Over four weeks you'll master the four steps in our proven approach for rapidly growing your customer base:


First you’ll decide what your campaign is going to be, who your target customer is, what market (vertical/geography) you are going after and your ultimate goal. Using our unique template, you’ll find out how to get a deep understanding of your ideal customer.

Knowing your ideal customer is THE most critical element of creating a winning lead generation strategy and a successful marketing campaign.


The second session focuses on prospecting. Over 40% of sales professionals cited prospecting as the hardest part of the sales process (HubSpot Study).

You’ll learn what a sales and marketing funnel is, the difference between an organic and supercharged approach and the power of email marketing supported by social media. And you’ll get top tips and guides about the latest tech tools and prospecting systems to ensure you reach the right prospects fast.


Here you’ll focus on building a content creation strategy and discover how to develop content that converts strangers to customers. Content fuels every phase of the customer journey but developing effective content can be challenging. We’ll show you how to get the right message to the right person at the right time, every time.


Finally you’ll be introduced to the power of automation. We’ll present a range of marketing automation tools that you can use and advise you how to pick one that suits your needs and budget. And we’ll provide a blueprint of how exactly to design your campaign workflow within your chosen marketing automation platform.

You’ll gain the insights and know-how that we’ve built up over decades of leading hundreds of successful marketing campaigns to help tech innovation businesses grow their customer base.







  • ļ˜Four weeks of interactive online sessions with expert growth marketers to work through our proven 4-step formula to grow your customer base
  • ļ˜Weekly live workshops and Q&A sessions with Ro and Leanne. Small number of participants to ensure personal attention for each company
  • ļ˜Best practice templates guides and workbooks
  • ļ˜The Ultimate Guide to Content that Converts Strangers to Hot Leads, a comprehensive content creation toolkit written by an expert copywriter


  • ļ•A one-to-one mentorship workshop with Ro or Leanne involving a deep dive into your plan to accelerate your go to market campaign
  • ļ•Tailored feedback, recommendations and strategies from marketing experts to build a robust market strategy
  • ļ•Option to include 1 team member to the program




Join us today


We offer a select number of consultancy engagements, delivering tailored Kickstart programmes specifically designed for your business.

If you're interested in having Leanne and Ro empower you and your team, book a call today.


Why choose Kickstart?

We know this probably isn’t the first online marketing programme that’s come your way. If you’re thinking “this sounds amazing”, but you’re still a little skeptical, let’s recap on what Kickstart offers:

An interactive online programme delivered by acknowledged experts in the field of growth marketing. Not theorists, but people who have been there, done that, got the scars and the big wins and who will empower you to implement the exact formula you need to grow your customer base.

An action-based programme that is tailored to B2B technology innovation companies so you’ll be sharing the experience with a group with like-minded peers.

A limited number of participants on each programme allowing Leanne & Ro to get an understanding of each participant’s business and goals.

A key deliverable of a concrete strategy and action plan that will produce immediate results.

Valuable takeaways in the form of best-practice templates and toolkits.

Our workflow blueprint that gives a step-by-step approach to building an automated, high converting, lead generation campaign.

A sustainable strategy that will empower you to consistently deliver high quality leads – a crucial investment in your business’s growth.

On the fence? What if we told you it’s risk free?

We’re so confident about the power of our online Kickstart programme that we’ll give you your money back if, after the first session, you feel this course just isn’t for you.

Need few more reasons why you should sign up today? Check out what Roger Johnson, Axial3D CEO has to say:

"Bottom line is - we are getting in front of more qualified people!"


Questions other companies have asked before jumping on board

Are you ready to Kickstart your sales and marketing?

Do you want to lose the frustration, stress, exasperation and that sinking feeling when your latest marketing efforts fail to deliver the sales traction you need?

So why not invest two weeks of your time for a future of confidence, success and pain-free, 24/7, supercharged lead generation.

Can you afford not to?

We’re excited to get the chance to work with you on transforming your sales and marketing approach. Our sleeves are rolled up and we can’t wait to share what we know with you and see your company achieve the success it deserves.

Add me to the waiting list!

Join the programme proven to kickstart sales today!

  [email protected] 

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